How To Control Spiders In Your Reno Home

May 15, 2022

Spiders That Invade Reno Homes

There are many different kinds of spiders in Nevada and several common types of spiders that you may come across in your Reno home. It is essential to understand the various types of spiders to know how cautious you should be and eliminate this pest. 

Different kinds of spiders in the Reno area include:

If you need help with proper spider identification, you can always reach out to our experts at Natura Pest Control for assistance.

What Spiders Are Looking For

In general, spiders are scoping out your home because they want somewhere to live that has suitable shelter and easy access to food and water. If you have plenty of access to these factors in your home, you will likely develop a spider infestation. This is especially true if you have a problem with pest prey such as ants, cockroaches, or beetles. Spiders will invade your home in pursuit of these pests and are likely to make their webs in close distance of this easy food source.

How To Deter Spiders From Your Home

One of the best ways to get rid of spiders is to practice prevention tactics that eliminate the threat of this pest invading initially.

Follow the steps below to deter spiders from your home and protect your property:

  • Seal up potential spider entry points around your home to ensure this pest (and its pest prey) stays out. This includes sealing the cracks around windows, doors, and your home’s foundation. You may also want to put sturdy window and door screens into place.
  • Address any pest prey issues that you may have in your home. You can reach out to Natura Pest Control for more advice or assistance with this.
  • Fix moisture issues that may be attracting spiders into your home (most spiders enjoy easy access to pools of water). Unclog the gutters and make sure there is proper drainage in your yard.
  • Keep your grass trimmed low and remove debris from your yards, such as leaf litter and fallen branches. Store woodpiles far away from your home and keep outdoor sheds decluttered to reduce spider hiding spots.
  • Declutter your home often (especially garages, basements, and attics), and make sure to sweep away any spider webs you come across. This helps mark your home as inhospitable to this pest.

The Best Way To Keep Spiders From Infesting Your Home

In addition to prevention strategies, the best way to get rid of spiders is to contact Natura Pest Control for professional assistance. Not only can our experts identify the type of spiders causing you problems, but we can also use this information to create tailored treatment solutions. With the help of Natura Pest Control, you can eliminate any spider infestation no matter the size and reclaim your home from this eight-legged pest (and from any pest prey that spiders may be pursuing).

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